I grew up in times when families splitting and divorces started to become a common thing.

As many know now, children are affected in negative ways by the fights when together and the divorce of parents.

It causes major emotional reactions.

I began writing as a second grader, but did not become formal doing it as a part of my profession, until I was teen, and child of divorce parents.

Since then, I have obtained my BS in Accounting and close to MS in Accounting. 

My writing has evolved in alignment with my educational administrative role.

I write about business, the economy, the market, business consulting, educational, awareness on epilepsy and autism, and things both good and bad going on in the educational industry where it is not always pretty.

I also write about the Bible, ministry, use of testimonial of my own and others as a tool in representing the Lord My God whom I serve.

Join my blog, share your thoughts, ask questions or whatever.

I am glad to get to know you and/or take feedback.

Jennifer A. Whitaker

You can find all of Jennifer A. Whitaker books at Amazon.


**You can find the individual books by clicking on the Blue Title or the Book Cover.**

Lobectomy: How It Saved My Life: Volume 1

What are my options if I have severe epilepsy?

Is there hope to overcome chronic seizures when all medications have failed?

If you are asking these questions, you are in the right place.

Read the Lobectomy Series that starts with Volume I: Testing Journey to discover the process that the author, Jennifer A. Whitaker, went through to overcome her epilepsy that was declared in 2019 as being Among the Worst 30 Cases in the Country!

This Lobectomy Series is a documentary of her journey, choices, options, and her ultimate recovery to gain freedom from epilepsy.

Get your copy and read about her journey and the paths she took along the way to reach a desirable outcome.

She wrote this Series throughout her journey without knowing the end result.

The only way to find the end or a way to reach it, is to start with Volume I and read the Series.

Her Series will help you know ahead of time, what she found to be a surprise without anyone sharing with her beforehand. …In the end, it was all worthwhile!

The only way to follow her path to a better life is to start by getting your copy of her books in this Series. 

What is the hold up? Your journey to recovery is waiting here. Ready? Get the Series now!

Secret to Success: The Evolution of Public Education and the Workforce

The Secret to Success: The Evolution of Public Education and the Workforce addresses multiple issues that apply to everyone.

Rather, you are an employer, decision-maker, parent, educator, or anyone. There are problems in the education system that concern you.

When originally written, America had started for an all-time economic peak with record-making unemployment low. However, that was when the problems revealed here uncovered, becoming more apparent, which began in the mid-1990s.

Find out: What is this problem?

What are the signs? How does it apply to me?

Why should I be concerned? What can I do about it?. .

The problems are in front of your very eyes. . . you will see them when you read and wonder. . . Why didn’t I see that before?

Start opening your eyes. 

Get your copy today!


Dealing with Autism – volume one

Born in poverty, raised with high expectations, only later to become a leader.

Written not only by an autistic leader, but one to be Recognized in the Top 3% of the Nation- four times.

Author of multiple books on leadership and dealing with multiple conditions and obstacles.

Stories of defeating the odds in many other ways.

Experienced with 20 years in tutoring, she teaches you, through “Dealing with Autism,” how family and friends together can follow her path.

Leaving this page without your copy of “Dealing with Autism,” can leave your loved one at their current stage in development and functionality.

Your Decision can be the difference in your loved one having a job or being on disability.

You can make a difference in his future.

Get your copy today!

Start helping your loved one achieve his dreams and reach his full ability to be independent.

Emotional Rollercoaster Young Adulthood 

Flip the page ready to image, understand and feel the life of a teenager from inside their mind.

As we all go through dramatic high and low points in life, especially as teenagers and/or young adults, we have all see what you will read.

Though we each see the same event in many ways i describe, will help parents, grandparents, and older siblings, understand modern day young adults.

Overtime, life has changed.

What is normal now, was not 10 years ago.

With technology came a new culture.

As you read, consider how you can apply it to your life.

This is rather you are the young adult, or the family trying to understand.

It will be an asset in some form or another to the family as a whole.


How Do I Know God is Real?: Volume 1

You ask me, “How Do You Know God is Real?”

You have the right book to find out.

With many medical conditions causing many times in life “Doctors were certain I was dead. . . ” cases, growing up as a preacher’s kid, and going to a Bible College where half of my general education courses were studying The Bible, I too struggled.

However, reflecting on stories of the impossible that even continue to this day, I have found reassurance that Jesus Christ is “The way, the truth, and the light. No one can get to the father but through me.” is indeed the truth.

No one has yet to be able to explain how I am still alive in any way other than the power and work of God the Father.

Rather you are a struggling Christian, or not sure what to believe, reading How Do I Know God is Real?

Series could be the best decision of your life.

I give you the words to pray to reunite with or accept Jesus Christ as your savior while continuing to add new volumes to the series.

Discover the truth and accept Jesus as your savior.

We are not guaranteed a tomorrow so you do not know when it could be the last chance before you die.


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